
Off the Grid Productions
Contact: Lynne Epps
Address: 30 Elsie Street Eganville, ON, K0J1T0
Phone: 613-628-5897
About Us
Off The Grid Productions began as home concerts in the home of John and Lynne Epps in 2017. As a part of growing up Lynne's parents never threw a party unless good home cooking was included. That tradition continued with Lynne always providing "snacks" at intermission. Her focus was on local food and the Ottawa Valley Food Cooperative's producers. Her Mom's butter tarts are a continued favourite with her patrons and she now has them for sale most months unless preparing for home concerts. Their chewiness and melt in your mouth lard pastry is their trademark. Her Mom, Shirley, is please to have them continue. The oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are offered at concerts and also available most months. The homemade buns made with honey, organic flour, butter, free range eggs are loved and in demand by family and friends. A half dozen may not be enough.
Lynne bakes in her inspected kitchen and uses organic flour and local ingredients if available.