
Algonquin Tea Company
Address: 106 Augsburg Rd. Eganville, ON, K0J1T0
Phone: 613-628-6157
About Us
Algonquin Tea: Certified Organic Herbal Teas, most grown in Eganville and at Connaught farm, and Wildcrafted in the area. Dried, milled and Packaged at our Eganville facility. Tea bagged at a certified organic bagger in southern Ontario.
Wild@Heart: Algonquin herbs and new wildcrafted herbs like horsetail, blue spruce and balsam fir are locally harvested and dried in Eganville, Chaga is sourced from First Nation harvesters near Sault St Marie, and blended and packed locally with top quality black, Oolong, Chai and Green teas.
Wild@Heart: Algonquin herbs and new wildcrafted herbs like horsetail, blue spruce and balsam fir are locally harvested and dried in Eganville, Chaga is sourced from First Nation harvesters near Sault St Marie, and blended and packed locally with top quality black, Oolong, Chai and Green teas.