
Stone Farms
Address: 1316 Ross rd. Cobden, ON, K0J1K0
Phone: 613-281-2734
About Us
Located in Lower Stafford, Reuben and Keanan have been operating the farm as the fourth generation here since 2012. Our focus is on pedigreed seed production where our crops are planted the next year by other crop farmers. We grow a large diversity of grain and oilseed crops every year.
Check out more about us here.
Reuben was one of the original founders of the OVFC all the way back. We took a break away from food processing for the past decade to focus on the seed business, but we are getting drawn back to our roots. The co-op is a great way for us to bring our grain products back to the local food economy. We are enjoying now teaching our kids and the next generation of Stones the values and methods of good food.
Stone Farms is the owner of Valley Bio Ltd. a grain handling and conditioning enterprise near Cobden on highway 17.
Check out more about us here.
Reuben was one of the original founders of the OVFC all the way back. We took a break away from food processing for the past decade to focus on the seed business, but we are getting drawn back to our roots. The co-op is a great way for us to bring our grain products back to the local food economy. We are enjoying now teaching our kids and the next generation of Stones the values and methods of good food.
Stone Farms is the owner of Valley Bio Ltd. a grain handling and conditioning enterprise near Cobden on highway 17.
We work to manage our large diversity of grain crops every step along the way. We have been lucky enough to build a system that allows to grow, harvest, store, condition, and mill these grains from start to finish.
We endeavor to minimize our environmental impacts with good soil management. Minimal disturbance, diverse crop rotations, keeping soil covered, integrating livestock, and keeping living roots as much as possible. We are early adopters of many technologies like digital color grain sorters that allow us to intercrop different species in the same field. Aerial drone seeding and fertilizing that allows us to be in the right place at the right time, with the lightest touch on our fields. We do our best to apply the best techniques we can to grow a healthy crop and share these with other farmers.
We endeavor to minimize our environmental impacts with good soil management. Minimal disturbance, diverse crop rotations, keeping soil covered, integrating livestock, and keeping living roots as much as possible. We are early adopters of many technologies like digital color grain sorters that allow us to intercrop different species in the same field. Aerial drone seeding and fertilizing that allows us to be in the right place at the right time, with the lightest touch on our fields. We do our best to apply the best techniques we can to grow a healthy crop and share these with other farmers.