
Firefly Meadows Farm
Contact: Michele and Gregg Parsons
Address: 1767 Silver Lake Rd Eganville, ON, K0J 1T0
Phone: 613-899-6100
About Us
We own a small, diversified farm situated between Eganville and Killaloe. The farm encompasses pastures, hayfields, a small market garden, wetlands and mixed species forest. Our livestock includes laying hens for farm-gate sales of eggs, organic meat birds for our own use, and riding horses. We enjoy showing visitors around the farm and discussing our farm practices.
Wood is sustainably harvested from our land and hand carved by Gregg to become functional, one of a kind, beautiful kitchen utensils such as spoons of all sizes, spatulas, and scoops.
Wood is sustainably harvested from our land and hand carved by Gregg to become functional, one of a kind, beautiful kitchen utensils such as spoons of all sizes, spatulas, and scoops.
The market garden is approximately 1/2 acre that includes annuals (all sorts of vegetables), colourful flowers for cutting, and perennials (fruit bushes, horseradish, herbs). A wide assortment of vegetables includes four varieties of garlic, twenty varieties of heirloom tomatoes, beans, peas, lettuce and salad greens, rutabaga, carrots, radish, cucumbers, zucchini, butternut and other squash, beets, onions, potatoes, melons (including watermelon), peppers, cabbages, and spinach. We don't use pesticides or herbicides but instead handpick weeds and insect pests and use light cloths to keep some insects off. Mineral amendments are sometimes added to keep the soil healthy and composted manure and garden waste is spread for fertility. Our soil is somewhat sandy so drip tape is placed in the garden beds to keep the vegetables moist without using too much water that would be required with overhead watering. Season extension is necessary because we have such a short growing season so we use cover cloths and unheated plastic tunnels to help keep the frost off the plants.
The chickens live in a movable coop in the summer, moving onto fresh pasture every couple of days so they can find a new supply of insects and grass, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Poultry netting allows them a large area to roam while protecting them from foxes and coyotes.
The chickens live in a movable coop in the summer, moving onto fresh pasture every couple of days so they can find a new supply of insects and grass, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Poultry netting allows them a large area to roam while protecting them from foxes and coyotes.