

Sheedy Farm
Contact: Dan and Maureen Sheedy
Address: 1508 Micksburg Road Cobden, ON, K0J 1K0
Phone: 613-646-7878
About Us
Dan and Maureen Sheedy
Growers of mixed vegetables since 1997.
90% of our product is direct marketed.
Vendor at Pembroke Farmers' Market mid-June to Thanksgiving since 1998.

What began as a hobby growing several varieties of potatoes has “blossomed” into a thriving business in accordance with customer requests. We have been selling assorted vegetables at the Pembroke Farmers' Market for 23 years, having made wonderful friends along the way. The homestead was built by Dan’s great grandfather and the original pine log cabin is still part of our farmhouse today. It was an undertaking of labour and love to restore the house and reclaim the soil.
While we are not organic we make every effort to limit chemical use wherever and whenever possible.
Cover crops, crop rotation, mulching, contour tillage and seeding, mechanical weed control and water management all play a part in day to day operations.
90% of our production is direct marketed (Pembroke Farmers' Market, Farm gate sales, Ottawa Valley Food Co-op).
Inputs are purchased, if available, from local (Renfrew County) suppliers who employ local people and buy from local producers.