
Whispering Pines Honey
Phone: 613-628-9641
About Us
Whispering Pines Honeys is located 7 km east of Eganville on Grist Mill Rd. We are located in an area of almost exclusively wildflowers as a source of nectar for honey production. Our Honey Farm focuses on production of only natural organic honey. We use only natural processes to manage fur apiary.
Bees will travel about 3-5 km to gather nectar. Our nearest crop fields are just past the edge of the 3 Km mark. Our bees primarily collect nectar from a vast array of wildflowers giving our honey a unique full-bodied flavor. Our summer honey carries a different robust flavor than our honey harvested in the fall which is full of floral aromas. Both seasons produce robust flavourful honey.
Along with honey, we produce natural beeswax both in bulk form and molded into candles. These make great gifts for friends and family.
During spring we make maple syrup from trees located on our property. These same trees provide nectar to our bees in the spring once the weather is warmer.
Bees will travel about 3-5 km to gather nectar. Our nearest crop fields are just past the edge of the 3 Km mark. Our bees primarily collect nectar from a vast array of wildflowers giving our honey a unique full-bodied flavor. Our summer honey carries a different robust flavor than our honey harvested in the fall which is full of floral aromas. Both seasons produce robust flavourful honey.
Along with honey, we produce natural beeswax both in bulk form and molded into candles. These make great gifts for friends and family.
During spring we make maple syrup from trees located on our property. These same trees provide nectar to our bees in the spring once the weather is warmer.
We strive to keep our farm as natural as possible even to the point of producing boards from our own pine forest which we use to build our bee hive boxes.
Any treatment given to our bees are organic and natural. Although this makes honey farming a greater challenge, it is important to us to maintain a pure and natural product, respecting our bees and nature overall.
Our 200 acres of wild wood lot provides the greatest flavour of honey imaginable from a vast array of wild flowers.
Any treatment given to our bees are organic and natural. Although this makes honey farming a greater challenge, it is important to us to maintain a pure and natural product, respecting our bees and nature overall.
Our 200 acres of wild wood lot provides the greatest flavour of honey imaginable from a vast array of wild flowers.